How To Erase And Replace

Erase and Replace

Addict to Athlete’s focus is our unique erase and replace philosophy. What does that mean? We recognize that when you take away something (ie. drugs, relationships, activities) if you don’t intentionally replace it with something positive, something will automatically fill that void. It is extremely important to erase and replace with intentional choices and actions to make your life as great as possible. 


Memories are an interesting thing. Most individuals recall memories that change every time you think of them. You add and modify the memory each time it is remembered. So you have the ability to change the memory in time. 

Think about what you would like to forget. Remember the details. This may be hard but it is necessary. Write it down.

What happened?
Who was there?
Where did it happen?
How did you feel?

Think about the worst portions of the memory. Get to the root of why it is troublesome. This will help you figure out what you need to forget. Write them down.

Procedural release

This is a mental exercise to help you forget. Turn your memory into a picture image. Now set it on fire in your mind. Take time to imagine the detail of the picture and how it turns brown and curls up as it burns until it is gone. You could also try to use another image in place of the actual memory. For example, picture the image as an object and have it sink into a lake. 

Remove triggering objects

Certain objects trigger painful memories and make it harder to forget. If you have objects that trigger bad memories put them out of sight or get rid of them.


Think about unpleasant details while you do something enjoyable. Teach yourself to associate the unpleasant memory with good things. The goal is to make the negative memories less painful through positive association. 

For example, reflect on a bad moment while listening to soothing music while you let the memory disappear. 

Make new memories

Get out and form new memories. Go to a place with negative associations and create new happy memories by having a BBQ with family and friends. Even if you’re not doing things related to the memory you’d like to forget, forming new memories will push the things you want to forget out of the way. 

Take up a new hobby
Try a new activity
Read a new book
Watch a movie
Find a new job
Make new friends

Erase bad memories

Seek other ways to experience positive things that are similar to the memory that you want to forget. After a while, your mind will start crossing its pathways and the original memory won’t be as strong. 

If your ex’s cologne is stuck in your mind, go to the fragrance counter. Smell every single kind of men’s cologne you can, clog your mind with new smells.


The erase and replace philosophy can help anyone with any struggle, not just those struggling with addiction. This is a practice to help you move past the ties that bind you. Get out there and find an erase and replace experience today.

If you are interested in coaching or counseling please contact us for support.


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